Ebusian Benjamin
A passionately curious entrepreneur and an evolutionary leader who believes in turning ideas into reality. Aiming to set up a mark in the history of education.

What is Alternative education?
Alternative education refers to educational programs, approaches, or environments that are outside of the traditional, mainstream school system.
What is American Sign Language (ASL)?
American Sign Language (ASL) is the primary language of deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States and parts of Canada.

How to track student progress? - A Teacher’s Guide
An exclusive blog about how Redink Classroom enable teachers to identify students learning gaps and helps them support student success!

7 Best Free Online Gradebook for Teachers
Did you know that teachers spend atleast 6 hours a week on grading alone? But little did they know that there are so many free gradebook software available online to not only save teachers valuable time, but also help them to organize and track every students academic progress in one place.